
Bird Galery 

 Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
This picture was taken in the "Gorges du Verdon" in the south of France. I found a nice spot at the edge of the canyon where these huge birds came to rest at night. I tried a few evenings to take a shot of one flying by below me in the last soft light of the day and get a nice contrast with shaded rocks as background.
Bijeneter (Bee-eater)
Bijeneter (Bee-eater)
This picture was taking in Spain from a Hide near a small colony of these magnificent birds. What a amazing series of colors ! It was great to observe and photograph these birds in their natural habitat.
Bijeneter (Bee-eater)
Bijeneter (Bee-eater)
Baardman (Bearded Tit)
Baardman (Bearded Tit)
Not so easy to photograph these small birds who live in great reet planes in which it is often difficult to get close by. With some patience they come feed themselves on the seeds at the top of these reet stem.
IJsvogel (Kingfisher)
IJsvogel (Kingfisher)
Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
Very special display in spring when they try to impress a female bird.
Bruine Kiekendief (Marsh Harrier)
Bruine Kiekendief (Marsh Harrier)
I was arriving at this spot and preparing the settings of my camera since I knew there were some flying ducs in this spot. I did't notice this Marsh Harrier who lifted up from suddenly allowing me to take 3 shots. One of them turned out to be sharp enough ... with the correct exposure !
Goudhaan (Goldcrest)
Goudhaan (Goldcrest)
The smallest bird that you can find in Europe.
 Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
One of my favourite songbirds! They determine the atmosphere of early spring with their great song and display of the blue color on their breast.
Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
Blauwborst (Bluethroat)
Grasmus (Whitethroat)
Grasmus (Whitethroat)
Grote trap (Great Bustard)
Grote trap (Great Bustard)
This picture was taken from a hide in a beautiful meadow in Spain. I spent 16 hours in hide to (at the of the day ...) take this fantastic bird walking by. Then you know what adrenaline feels like ...
Heggemus (Dunnock)
Heggemus (Dunnock)
Always lovely when these birds start to sing in early spring: my favourite season: makes me happy !
Bosrietzanger (Marsh Warbler)
Bosrietzanger (Marsh Warbler)
IJsvogel (Kingfisher)
IJsvogel (Kingfisher)
Brilduiker (Goldeneye) - High key
Brilduiker (Goldeneye) - High key
Zwarte Stern (Black tern)
Zwarte Stern (Black tern)
Rietgors (Reet bunting)
Rietgors (Reet bunting)
Koereiger (Cattle Egret)
Koereiger (Cattle Egret)
Koereiger (Cattle Egret)
Koereiger (Cattle Egret)
Noordse Stern (Artic tern)
Noordse Stern (Artic tern)
Bosuil (Tawny owl)
Bosuil (Tawny owl)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Sperwer (Sparrowhawk)
Sperwer (Sparrowhawk)
Picture taken from my living room when this juvenile bird catched a Collared Dove.
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Amazing experience to photograph these birds from a hide (equiped with reflected glass) to avoid all disturbance.
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Kleine Torenvalk (Lesser Kestrel)
Isabeltapuit (Isabelline Wheatear)
Isabeltapuit (Isabelline Wheatear)
Like the very soft background matching perfectly with the bird's color.
Buidelmees (Penduline Tit)
Buidelmees (Penduline Tit)
Great moment to experiece the search for small insects of these birds in their natural habitat. Picture was take in cold winter time.
Sneeuwgors (Snow bunting)
Sneeuwgors (Snow bunting)
Bladkoning (Yellow-browed Warbler
Bladkoning (Yellow-browed Warbler
This very small bird (10 cm) is breeding in the Siberian Taiga. I could take a picture on the belgian coast line during his migration to te south in september. Ver fast moving birds in their hunt for food so not that easy to follow and take a close-up picture.
Roodborsttapuit (Stonechat)
Roodborsttapuit (Stonechat)
Staartmees (Long-tailed tit)
Staartmees (Long-tailed tit)
Aalscholver (Cormorant)
Aalscholver (Cormorant)
Picture was taken very close to home when i was waiting in a hide for a Kingfisher ... All of a sudden he landed just in front of the hide and looked around for less that a minute before he took of again. Lucky me to have him in this great soft background light.
Wintertaling (Teal)
Wintertaling (Teal)
Long exposure shot giving this looking like a painting
Bosrietzanger (Marsh warbler)
Bosrietzanger (Marsh warbler)
I love the atmosphere in this picture - example that birds should not always have to be full framed !
Kleine vliegevanger (Red-breasted Flycatcher)
Kleine vliegevanger (Red-breasted Flycatcher)
Grauwe Gors (Corn Bunting)
Grauwe Gors (Corn Bunting)
Grasmus (Whitethroat)
Grasmus (Whitethroat)
Kramsvogel (Fieldfare)
Kramsvogel (Fieldfare)
Kemphaan (Ruff)
Kemphaan (Ruff)
Wilde Eend (Mallard)
Wilde Eend (Mallard)
Krakeend (Gadwall)
Krakeend (Gadwall)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Meerkoet (Coot)
Geoorde Fuut (Black-necked grebe)
Geoorde Fuut (Black-necked grebe)
Great experience to wait for these beautifull coulored grebes lying flat on the lake bank for several hours.
Paapje (Whinchat)
Paapje (Whinchat)
Monniksgier (Black Vulture)
Monniksgier (Black Vulture)
Nachtegaal (Nightingale)
Nachtegaal (Nightingale)
Sprinkhaanzanger (
Sprinkhaanzanger (
Rietgors (Reet Bunting)
Rietgors (Reet Bunting)
Rietgors (Reet Bunting)
Rietgors (Reet Bunting)
Roodborsttapuit (Stonechat)
Roodborsttapuit (Stonechat)
Raaf (Raven)
Raaf (Raven)
Ooievaar (White Stork)
Ooievaar (White Stork)
Roek (Rook)
Roek (Rook)
Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
Vale Gier (Griffon Vulture)
Vale Gier
Vale Gier
Zwarte Wouw (Black Kite)
Zwarte Wouw (Black Kite)
Sperwer (Sparrowhawk)
Sperwer (Sparrowhawk)
Witvleugelstern (White-winged Black turn)
Witvleugelstern (White-winged Black turn)
Witvleugelstern (White-winged Black turn)
Witvleugelstern (White-winged Black turn)
Visdiefje (Common Turn)
Visdiefje (Common Turn)
Oeverloper (Common Sandpiper)
Oeverloper (Common Sandpiper)
Zomertaling (Garganey)
Zomertaling (Garganey)
Watersnip (Snipe)
Watersnip (Snipe)